Local Democracy in Action: Stories from the Field

Virtual Event (Online)

Join the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) and Stanford University's Center on Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law (CDDRL) on Wednesday, August 17, 2022, for a virtual event to learn about six of [...]


DeLoG in Dialogue: G for Gender – Women in Local Governments

Virtual Event (Online)

Gender in DLG | Seminar Series 2022 | 2nd Seminar   WELCOME & INTRODUCTION Vivien Schoenberg & Benjamin Oloyede DeLoG Secretariat NALAS PROMOTING GENDER EQUALITY AT LOCAL LEVEL IN SOUTH-EASTERN EUROPE Jelena Janevska Knowledge Manager [...]


LPSA Community Feedback: LoGICA Framework

The Local Governance Institutions Comparative Assessment (LoGICA) Framework provides an assessment tool to analyze the multilevel governance structure of a country, along with the subnational institutions and intergovernmental systems that contribute to inclusive governance, effective [...]

Webinar: Elevating the Debate – Local Governance Indicators

Virtual Event (Online)

As part of its global webinar series on Elevating the Decentralization Debate, which seeks to bring together scholars and practitioners on issues related to decentralization, multilevel governance, and localized development, the Local Public Sector Alliance—in [...]
