The Local Governance Institutions Comparative Assessment (LoGICA) Framework provides an assessment tool to analyze the multilevel governance structure of a country, along with the subnational institutions and intergovernmental systems that contribute to inclusive governance, effective public service delivery and sustainable localized development. The Local Public Sector Alliance is currently in the process of reviewing and revising the LoGICA Framework.
The latest evaluation draft of the revised LoGICA Framework (August 2022) is now available online.
Comments are being sought from the Local Public Sector Alliance Community of Practice to ensure that the revised LoGICA framework provides a more suitable framework for the dual objective of (a) informing country-level policy dialogues on decentralization, multilevel governance and intergovernmental relations (resulting in more inclusive and sustainable development); and (b) ensuring that the application of the framework at the country level is able to feed into a global, comparative data set on the state of multilevel governance and subnational governance institutions.
A Community Feedback Meeting has been scheduled for Friday, August 26, 9 am EDT to discuss the revised LoGICA Framework. The main purpose of this meeting is for LPSA Members to provide feedback, comments and suggestions on the revised LoGICA Framework.
Please register for this Zoom meeting
Alternatively, feedback, comments and suggestions on the working draft of the revised LoGICA Framework can be emailed to Jamie Boex ( or Serdar Yilmaz (
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