Course: Inclusive Service Delivery & the SDGs

The Hague Academy The Hague, Netherlands

The Hague Academy of Local Governance will deal with these issues in an upcoming (in-person) training course on Inclusive Service Delivery & the SDGs, offered in The Hague from 6 to 17 March 2023. The application deadline for [...]


Course: Program on Caring Cities

Virtual Event (Online)

Between July 3 to July 23, 2023, the Seoul Human Resources Development Center (SHRDC) of the Seoul Metropolitan Government, together with Metropolis, the World Association of the Major Metropolises, United Cities and Local Government (UCLG), and UCLG-ASPAC will organize an [...]


Course: Fiscal Decentralization and Local Government Financial Management

Duke University 201 Science Drive, Durham, NC, United States

This comprehensive three-week program is directed by Prof. Roy Kelly and is designed to better enable professionals to develop and implement decentralization policy reforms to improve local public financial management and stimulate efficient and accountable economic and [...]


Course: Local Economic Development

The Hague Academy The Hague, Netherlands

Join us in The Hague for our two-week course on Local Economic Development!


Training: Urban Governance Training – Resilient and Smart Cities

The Hague Academy for Local Governance Nassaulaan 12, The Hague, Netherlands

The Hague Academy for Local Governance is accepting applications for its in-person Urban Governance Training: Resilient and Smart Cities. This course targets professionals engaged in urban governance and development, including city planners and urban policymakers, drawn [...]


Training: Fiscal Decentralisation and Local Finance

The Hague Academy for Local Governance Nassaulaan 12, The Hague, Netherlands

The Hague Academy for Local Governance is accepting applications for its in-person Fiscal Decentralisation and Local Finance. This course is designed for professionals working on (fiscal) decentralisation processes, public sector reform programmes, public service delivery or [...]


Training: Fiscal Decentralization and Local Government Financial Management

Duke University 201 Science Drive, Durham, NC, United States

Duke University’s Center for International Development (DCID) is accepting applications for its in-person executive education training program on Fiscal Decentralization and Local Government Financial Management (PFD). This comprehensive three-week program is directed by Prof. Roy Kelly and is designed to better [...]


Training : Citizen Participation and Inclusive Governance

The Hague Academy for Local Governance Nassaulaan 12, The Hague, Netherlands

The Hague Academy for Local Governance is accepting applications for its in-person Citizen Participation and Inclusive Governance This course is designed for professionals working on participation, inclusion and social accountability processes. Participants come from national, regional [...]


African School on Decentralisation (ASD) 2024

Cape Town, South Africa Cape Town, South Africa

The theme for the Fourth African School on Decentralisation (ASD) is ‘Decentralisation and Human Rights’. The 2024 ASD will examine whether, and if so how, decentralisation can create favourable conditions for the protection and realisation of [...]