Between July 3 to July 23, 2023, the Seoul Human Resources Development Center (SHRDC) of the Seoul Metropolitan Government, together with Metropolis, the World Association of the Major Metropolises, United Cities and Local Government (UCLG), and UCLG-ASPAC will organize an online training program focusing on Caring City.
The program, open to the public officials of local governments and metropolitan cities is free of charge and combines self-paced learning and video lectures exploring the concepts and concrete examples of “Caring Cities” mainly by the city of Bogota and Seoul. A series of interactive online sessions will be organized by Metropolis, UCLG, and UCLG-ASPAC for participants to engage with each other and learn from other experiences.
Live Sessions will take place via ZOOM in the following dates:
With the initial orientation session on 3rd July 2023 – 09:00-11:00 (CEST)
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