As cross-cutting public sector reforms, decentralization and local development are increasingly at risk of being overlooked in a fragmented and stove-piped world.
As such, the Local Public Sector Alliance –with Decentralization.Net as its online platform–aims to create a global network of advocates for efficient and inclusive decentralization and localization by establishing partnerships with policymakers; academics and researchers; global development practitioners and sector-focused specialists.
From Initiative to Alliance
The Local Public Sector Initiative was initiated in December 2010 by the Urban Institute in Washington, D.C.. LPSI’s mission was to promote international development and to strengthen public sector governance worldwide by advancing the understanding of the local public sector, and by strengthening systems of intergovernmental relations, subnational governance practices, subnational public finance management, local public service delivery and local economic development efforts in developing and transition countries around the world.
Envisioned primarily as a research initiative, LPSI’s efforts focused on better defining and measuring devolved and non-devolved local public sector arrangements; exploring the impact different multi-level governance arrangements on public sector outcomes; and better understanding ways to unlock the local public sector in order to achieve inclusive and sustainable development at different government levels. LPSI’s collaborative research efforts were supported by a broad partnership of bilateral and multi-lateral agencies.
In response to the changing global environment, the Local Public Sector Initiative is now in the process of transforming itself into a Local Public Sector Alliance.
Fundamental Principles
The Local Public Sector Alliance is built on the basic observation that–in order to touch people’s live–most of the interventions that are required to achieve sustainable development ultimately have to take place at the local level, where the public sector interacts with citizens, civil society and the private sector. Five fundamental principles therefore guide the global Community of Practice on decentralization and local development:
- Creating strong and resilient communities and societies requires a commitment to inclusion and equity at every level, especially at the local level
- Many of the public services that are needed to achieve inclusive and sustainable development —education, health services, access to clean water, basic urban services, and so on—are delivered at the local level
- Intergovernmental systems that empower and encourage local leaders to promote inclusion and equity form an important precondition for resilient, inclusive, sustainable, equitable and efficient development
- Although different approaches may be suitable in different countries, decentralization and localization are quintessential to achieving resilient, inclusive, sustainable, equitable and efficient development
- Decentralization and localization are complex, cross-cutting and multi-stakeholder reforms
Local Public Sector Alliance: Vision and Mission
The Local Public Sector Alliance is envisioned as an alliance of advocates for decentralization and local development.
The Local Public Sector Alliance seeks to promote inclusive, equitable societies and sustainable global development by enhancing the understanding of decentralization and localization as complex, cross-cutting and multi-stakeholder reforms.
Join the Local Public Sector Alliance
The Local Public Sector Alliance is formed as an association of like-minded individuals and organizations who recognize the importance of decentralization and local development. The content of Decentralization.Net is guided by its Editorial Board and Advisory Board, which consists of leading scholars, practitioners and champions of decentralization and local development. During 2021/22, the Local Public Sector Alliance will be registered as a non-profit corporation with 501(c)(3) status as a charitable organization.
Interested individuals: please subscribe to the Local Public Sector Alliance newsletter and join the LinkedIn Decentralization and Localization – Global Professional Network.
Interested organizations: please contact the Editorial Team to be recognized as part of the global Community of Practice on decentralization and local development and/or to join the Alliance’s Advisory Board.