OECD Network on Fiscal Relations — Annual Meeting 2021: November 22-23, 2021. The OECD Network on Fiscal Relations is one of the premier international bodies devoted to improving fiscal relations across levels of government; follows a work plan set by member countries to meet their needs; and helps members answer practical questions about fiscal decentralization by undertaking cross-country policy analysis. The Network benefits its members by:
- Sharing best practices
- Providing international comparisons
- Coordinating the annual high-level meeting in Paris
- Maintaining a comprehensive decentralization database
- Undertaking cross-country studies
- Publishing the flagship Fiscal Federalism series
The Network has announced that its next annual meeting will take place on November 22-23, 2021 at the OECD Headquarters in Paris.
For more information, contact the fiscalnetwork@oecd.org or visit oe.cd/fiscalnetwork.