Webinar: Elevating the Debate – Local Governance Indicators

Virtual Event (Online)

As part of its global webinar series on Elevating the Decentralization Debate, which seeks to bring together scholars and practitioners on issues related to decentralization, multilevel governance, and localized development, the Local Public Sector Alliance—in [...]


Territorial-administrative reform in the Republic of Moldova

Virtual Event (Online)

Territorial-administrative reform in the Republic of Moldova: National proposals and global experiences Moderator: Dumitru UDREA, Secretary General of the Government Facilitator: Adrian Ionescu, UNDP International Expert Greetings and opening remarks Natalia GAVRILIȚA, Prime Minister of [...]


Webinar: National decentralization policies and territorial structure

Virtual Event (Online)

The implementation of decentralization and localization has been a major public service reform in the transition countries of EECA region. A key element in their decentralization efforts is territorial administrative reforms. The issue of how [...]


Webinar: Service delivery and crisis management

Virtual Event (Online)

During the COVID-19 pandemic, local governments throughout the EECA region faced numerous challenges in terms of responding to emergencies. What started as a health crisis, followed with the war in Ukraine, turned into the biggest [...]
