Governments have been using technology to modernize the public sector for decades. The World Bank Group (WBG) launched the GovTech Initiative in 2019 to support the latest generation of these reforms. GovTech is a whole-of-government approach to public sector modernization that promotes simple, efficient, and transparent government, with citizens at the center of reforms.
The GovTech Maturity Index (GTMI) measures the key aspects of four GovTech focus areas in 198 economies: supporting core government systems, enhancing service delivery, mainstreaming citizen engagement, and fostering GovTech enablers. The index assists practitioners in the design of new digital transformation projects. The 2020 GTMI Report details out the methodology, findings, and good practices.
The construction of the GTMI is primarily based on the World Bank’s GovTech dataset. To help collect this data for 2022, the World Bank has launched the 2022 Subnational Government (SNG) GovTech Maturity Index (GTMI) online survey. The objective of this online survey is to gather information on 40 key GovTech indicators from subnational government entities in preparation of the new 2022 SNG GTMI (pilot implementation), and expand the scope of ongoing 2022 Central Government GTMI survey that was launched on March 3, 2022.
The 2022 SNG GTMI survey will provide an opportunity to reflect the latest developments and results achieved in subnational government GovTech agenda, learn more about similar platforms and good practices, and assist practitioners in the design of next generation digital transformation projects. This online survey will also be used to provide secure access to relevant country officials both at the central and subnational levels for reflecting the latest implementation status and outcomes of their GovTech platforms and activities.
The GTMI is the simple average of the normalized scores of four components:
- CGSI: The core government systems index (17 indicators) captures the key aspects of a whole-of-government approach, including government cloud, enterprise architecture and other platforms.
- PSDI: The public service delivery index (9 indicators) uses existing data from the UN Online Service Index as well as new indicators on online portals, e-filing services, e-payment capabilities and more.
- CEI: The citizen engagement index (6 indicators) measures aspects of public participation platforms, citizen feedback mechanisms, open data and open government portals.
- GTEI: The GovTech enablers index (16 indicators) captures strategy, institutions, laws, and regulations, as well as digital skills, and innovation policies and programs, to foster GovTech.
The GTMI survey includes 40 updated/expanded GovTech indicators measuring the maturity of four GovTech focus areas. Additionally, 8 highly relevant external indicators measured by other relevant indexes, including all three components of the United Nations (UN) e-Government Development Index (EGDI), the UN e-Participation Index (EPI), the ITU’s Global Cybersecurity Index (GCI) and three relevant indicators from the Identification for Development (ID4D) dataset, are used in the calculation of GTMI (only for the central government).
This online survey will be available for data entry until August 31, 2022.
For any questions about this questionnaire, please send a message to: gtmi@worldbank.org