Ukrainian women embroider a map of Ukraine with the different flags of the regions in the country during a pro-Ukranian meeting in the southern coastal town of Mariupol September 13, 2014. VASILY FEDOSENKO/REUTERS
Europe & Central Asia

Ukraine: Decentralize or Perish

Ukraine’s current system of highly centralized governance is a holdover from the Soviet period. Unlike its western neighbors, Ukraine never fully committed to the local governance reform that should have accompanied the liberalization of its […]


Handbook of Multi-Level Finance

The new Handbook of Multi-Level Finance (2015)—edited by Etisham Ahmad and Giorgio Brosio—provides a comprehensive review of the state of knowledge on fiscal federalism and provides considerable insight into how multi-level government finance and policies […]

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LPS Country Profiles

Despite the considerable importance of the local public sector, previous efforts to collect data on the various aspects of decentralization and local governance have not given rise to a single authoritative data set on the […]

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Measuring Localization

The localization of public services and development is a relatively new concept. In contrast to existing measures of decentralization—which only focus on measuring the activities and expenditures of elected local governments—the concept of the local […]