LPSA’s Thematic Working Group on Local Democracy, Inclusive Governance and Community-led Development aims to bring together government officials, policy practitioners, scholars, civil society organizations, and citizens who share an interest and expertise on local democracy, inclusive governance, and community-led development.
The first public meeting of the Local Democracy, Inclusive Governance and Community-led Development will be held on Wednesday, November 1, 2023 at 9:00 AM ET; 1:00 PM London; 2:00 PM Berlin; 3:00 PM Johannesburg; 4:00 PM Nairobi; 6:30 PM New Delhi; 8:00 PM Bangkok.
Registration is required for this meeting – Register here!
We need your help to make this meeting a success: If you have any updates about local Democracy, Inclusive Governance and Community-led Development in your country; updates about new research that you would like mentioned during the open meeting, please email the Working Group co-chairs at localdem@decentralization.net so that a brief announcement can be made at the beginning of the meeting.
Reminder: You can join any LPSA Expert Working Group free of cost and receive reminders and updates by opting-in to one or more working groups as part of your LPSA Membership registration.
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