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Local Economic Development
September 15 - September 26

What is Local Economic Development (LED)? How does it differentiate itself in addressing economic development challenges? What preconditions are required for LED to succeed? What strategies and tools can be used within LED? What is the role of the different government actors and what public funding mechanisms are there for economic development?
Learn more about these questions in our upcoming course on Local Economic Development,September 15 – 26, 2025 in The Hague.
In this course, participants will:
- Explore the concept of Local Economic Development (LED) as an integrated and participatory approach to address local economic challenges
- Examine the roles of local governments, private sector, and community actors in fostering inclusive and sustainable local economies
- Learn how to design and implement LED strategies, including entrepreneurship development, value chain development, and public-private partnerships
- Discuss how to align education and labour market needs, and promote inclusive employment opportunities for vulnerable groups
- Identify opportunities for LED financing from public, private, and development partners
- Understand decentralisation’s role in enabling LED and gain practical insights through study visits to The Hague Municipality and the “Triple Helix” Institute
Interested? Find more information about the content, application process and group discounts on our website.
We offer a 50% reduction of the course fee for practitioners from local authorities and local NGOs from countries on the OECD DAC-list.
Should you know other persons in your organisation or network who may be interested in this course, please feel free to forward this course.
For general inquiries, please contact info@thehagueacademy.com or call +(31) 70 37 38 695 |