The Local Public Sector Alliance aims to elevate the debate on decentralization and localization around the world in order to promote inclusive, equitable societies and resilient, sustainable global development.
As part of its fundamental principles, the Alliance recognizes that decentralization and localization are complex, cross-cutting and multi-stakeholder reforms. As a result, the global Community of Practice on decentralization and localization is composed of citizens and professionals with backgrounds in multiple disciplines; working across different sectors; and occupying roles in various institutions; ranging from international development institutions and central government ministries, to local government associations, academia, and civil society organizations.
The Alliance also recognizes that decentralization and localization reforms are implemented in pursuit of different policy objectives. While some countries or champions promote or pursue decentralization in support of more inclusive, democratic governance, other countries and stakeholders focus on decentralization or localization in order to ensure more efficient or responsive public sector management; promote equitable territorial development; accommodate urbanization; facilitate local climate action; or reduce conflict and fragility.
LPSA’s new membership policy
In order to serve the diverse global Community of Practice, the Local Public Sector Alliance has recently issued a new membership policy that recognizes anyone that registers as a member, supporter, or subscriber of the Local Public Sector Alliance or its newsletter as a member of the Alliance. Under the new membership policy, LPSA members are also able to identify topics, regions and sectors of interest as part of the LPSA registration process, allowing the Alliance to link its members with regional and thematic Expert Working Groups.
Updating your membership status
If you are already an LPSA subscriber or member, there is nothing you need to do in order to remain an LPSA member or supporter and to continue receiving LPSA’S Connections Newsletter.
Here are all your membership registration options:
If you are currently not an LPSA subscriber or member, but would like to become one: | Register as an LPSA member on our membership registration page. |
If you are already an LPSA subscriber or member, and would like to update your membership details (e.g., indicate/update your regional and thematic interests): | You can update your membership details by using LSPA’s membership registration form at any time. (You can also use the Mailchimp Preference Center* to update your membership details). |
If you would like to end your LPSA membership and unsubscribe from LPSA’S Connections Newsletter: | You can unsubscribe through the Mailchimp Preference Center* at any time. An unsubscribe link is also provided at the bottom of every LPSA Newsletter and Announcement. |
Note (*): A link to the Mailchimp Preference Center is provided in your registration/welcome email. A link to the MailChimp Preference Center is also provided at the bottom of every Newsletter and Announcement.